Secure distribution and provisioning
Ensure confidentiality and authenticity when
distributing and provisioning cryptographic material
Secure distribution of cryptographic material
It is essential to ensure confidentiality and authenticity when distributing cryptographic material, such as symmetric encryption keys, public keys, and public key hashes ("root of trust") for IoT devices.
Our Platform enables the secure distribution of cryptographic material to entities like a manufacturing test PC, MES (Manufacturing Execution System), or software build system with the ability to restrict access to specific material only for authorized entities.
Secure provisioning of
cryptographic material to the device
Secure Provisioning plays an essential role in device security by programming cryptographic material to the device. LAAVAT provides a Provisioning Client that is installed on the manufacturing test PC. This client programs, for example, secure boot material and identities to the device during the manufacturing process.
Support for industry 4.0
smart manufacturing solutions
Connectivity is one of the defining characteristics of a smart factory. LAAVAT Solution is ready for Industry 4.0, with the ability to establish a secure connection from the manufacturing test PC to our solution, enabling access to the required cryptographic material. This approach also enhances the security of the device identity issuance by allowing the creation of cryptographic key pairs on the device.